Sunday, September 11, 2011
9/11 Rant - "Fuck You, America."
Dear Citizens of the United States of America,
During this time that we remember the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks, I'd like to share a few thoughts with you. Firstly, fuck you America. Fuck you to the "victims" that died on that day. Fuck you to all of you who say that 9/11 was "such a tragedy."
Secondly, a bit of a history lesson to help explain why I feel the way I feel about this...
From the moment we signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 until this very second as I type this, we as a country have done nothing but stick our noses where they don't belong. Not just the Government either. All of you are guilty, but I'll start with the Government. I won't go too far back into history because that would just be boring, so I'll start with the Korean War and I'll keep it simple so that whatever retards are reading this can actually understand what I'm saying. Our involvement with the Korean War began in the early 50's (At the same time we were getting involved with the Vietnam War, but I'll get to that in a minute), and our only purpose in the Korean War was basically to help South Korea fight the big bad bully which was, naturally, North Korea. That's it. That's the only reason we were there. Nobody threatened us, nobody attacked us, nobody sent over suicide bombers to blow us up, there was absolutely no reason for us to be there except to stick our fucking noses into someone else's business. The Korean War resulted in the deaths of 36,516 American military personnel. Not just combat troops either, this includes military medical personnel, photographers, cooks, supply transporters, etc. etc. All because America...could not stay the fuck out of another country's business.
Then we have the Vietnam War. I mentioned this earlier, so let me explain what I was referring to. Many of you uneducated morons believe that we got involved with the Vietnam War in the 60's, which isn't true. We had military combat forces overseas involved with other military confrontations at the time, and we started sending combat troops to South Vietnam in the 60's, but our real involvement in that war began as early as 1950 when we had advisors on the ground. Why were we involved in that war? That one is simple: Because we were helping to defend South Vietnam from North Vietnam. That's it. That's all. Nothing more to it. That war, which we lost, resulted in the deaths of 58,159 American troops, with over 1,000 missing. Once again, because America could not stay the fuck out of another country's business.
The Gulf War, also known as Desert Storm. I won't get too much into this because those of us old enough to actually remember that war, and smart enough to look into it after it ended, we know that the war wasn't "political" at all. We weren't really defending Kuwait, we weren't really mad at Iraq, we just wanted their oil. It really is that simple. Bush #1 felt like being a bully and decided to send troops overseas to see what he can gain. If you doubt this, then ask yourself this question: If America was really concerned with the well-being of Kuwait, then why didn't Bush send troops there as soon as Iraq invaded Kuwait? Why did he wait 6-7 months after the fact before he sent troops to Kuwait? Exactly. That war cost us around $40B, and resulted in the deaths of 294 American soldiers. All because ... America could not ... stay the fuck out ... of another country's business AND because of our own greed.
WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!! WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, I TELL YOU!!! WMD'S! THEY HAVE THEM! THEY REALLY, REEEALLLY DOOO!! SADDAM & THE IRAQI TERRORISTS!! THEY ATTACKED US ON 9/11!!! Actually, no, Iraq never had any weapons of mass destruction. Never. They weren't financially or materialistically capable of producing weapons of mass destruction, nuclear or otherwise. They never attacked us, never threatened to attack us, never made a secret attempt to attack us...they took absolutely no part whatsoever in the events that took place on 9/11. But we launched an unprovoked attack on them anyway and used 9/11 as an excuse for Bush #2 to go finish what daddy could not finish the first time around, which was get their oil. Or, try to get their oil anyway. We start (yes, start) a war with Iraq like the fucking bullies that we are and we slap a bullshit label on it, "Operation Iraqi Freedom," and in the process we take a nation's leader and hang the fucking guy, and for what? What the fuck did this dude EVER do to America and/or Americans? NOTHING. That's what. We wanted to get Saddam out of the way so that we'd have full access to his oil which WE NEVER FUCKING GOT ANYWAY because the American people eventually figured out what the war was REALLY about. The Government could no longer make 200,000+ barrels of oil appear out of thin air and lie about it because now the American people were onto them and we'd know the fucking truth. It wasn't our fucking business to go over and hang a leader based solely on the fact that we wanted "revenge" for an act of violence that HE DIDN'T COMMIT and/or because we wanted his fucking oil. It wasn't our place. Period. But we did it anyway, and as a result more than 4,000 American troops have lost their lives. Why? Because America wanted something that it did not already have enough of (oil) and they needed a reason to take out Saddam in order to attempt getting it. Thank you, American Government, for putting your own greedy wants before the lives and well-being of your own people. You're a real pal.
Do you people see the pattern yet? It's obvious, is it not? Good, because now comes the bashing of all of you...
Yes, what happened on 9/11 was indeed a tragedy, but the tragedy wasn't the actual attack. No sirs and ma'ams, it was not. The tragedy was the fact that it took the events of 9/11 to temporarily unite you fucking people. As soon as the attacks happened, suddenly everyone had their redneck bumper stickers that read: UNITED WE STAND. DIVIDED WE FALL. Remember that? Everyone was putting American flag stickers on their windows, flag decals on their jackets and gym bags and even the Arabs who lived in America were suddenly flying American flags in their front yards because everyone was oh so fucking united. You remember, I know you do. Well it's all bullshit. Every ounce of it, it's nothing but fucking bullshit. If Americans were ever really united, they would have been united long before these attacks took place. It would not have taken these attacks to unite you morons because you would have already been united if you were *truly* united, yes? It's fucking pathetic that it takes a terrorist attack for Americans to actually help one another. American Unity, that's a fucking joke.
It's funny how this "unity" that we supposedly gained after 9/11 only seemed to last a couple of years and then it was back to business as usual in America. Whites hating the blacks and blacks hating the whites and straights hating gays and the gays hating straights *because* the straights hate them and the Republicans hating Democrats and Liberals hating the Independents and the poor hating the rich for what they have and the rich despising the poor for what they don't have and the kids hating the parents and the parents blaming the teachers for their kids' lack of education when it's the fault of BOTH parties and the Government lying to the public and the public hating the Government and and AND....back to fucking business as usual in the good ole' U.S. of A.
Unity. Please, don't make me fucking vomit. You idiots couldn't unify if I drew you a fucking connect-the-dots map. All that you care about is your X-boxes and your Playstations and your cars and your money and your house and your watches and your superficial girlfriends with the artificial tits and the "Made in China" melted Barbie doll look, you care about yourselves. Nobody else. You all talk about "Freedom of Speech" and you preach about the first amendment every time you feel your rights have been violated but you're so fucking quick to deny gays and lesbians the equal right to marriage, you're so quick to deny women equal wages, or deny blacks (not niggers, but actual black people who work for a living and support their families) the equal right to vote in this country. Yes, you read this correctly, the equal right to vote in America. In 2010 blacks were still being discriminated against at the voting booths. It's fucking pathetic. You can't even go to fucking Wal-Mart on "Black Friday" to shop without acting like God damn animals and stampeding through the door as soon as it opens, trampling over the worker and KILLING THE FUCKING GUY because God for fucking bid you don't get your spoiled-rotten kids their new game system after they've gone all year treating you like shit. You're a great role model, aye?
This is your unity. This is what you're so proud of. THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE DEFINED AS "BEING AMERICAN."
America, you make me sick. I love my country but I hate the people in it.
Stop calling 9/11 an "unprovoked attack," because in all actuality it's the exact opposite of that. Our repeated need to stick our noses where they don't belong, our greed, our ignorance, our arrogance, our belief that we are the greatest force on Earth and therefore we can throw our muscle around and bully other countries into conforming to what WE believe is a "better way of life," THAT is what provoked the September 11th attacks. You have done this to yourselves. Don't blame Al-Qaeda. Don't blame Osama Bin Laden. Don't blame Muslims....
Take a long look in the mirror, and blame yourselves.
We deserved what happened on 9/11, and we deserve any future acts of terrorism committed against this country. Until Americans can take their heads out of their own asses, I'll be hoping that the terrorists keep trying.
Also, stop referring to the people that died that day as "innocent victims." Nobody in this world is innocent. Not you, not me, not your mother, not your kids, nobody. For all you know, those people could have been child molesters, rapists, murderers, drunk drivers, cokeheads, people who abused their spouses, anything. Must I remind you of BTK? That motherfucker blended in with society for decades while he secretly murdered dozens of people. How the fuck do any of you know that none of the people who died that day were just like him? YOU FUCKING DON'T. They were NOT "innocent victims."
Now they tell us they've killed Osama. The Government tells us this. The same Government which has lied to us too many times to count. The same Government that most of the people in this country admit they don't trust. The same Government that mislead us into believing that Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks. The same Government that illegally tapped the phone lines of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans. The same Government that cares not about you or your family, but only about your vote and their own piggy bank. The same Government that is too concerned with bickering over whose party did what and pointing fingers at who's to blame for every problem under the Sun to put a decent effort into setting this country back on the right track. This is the Government that claims to have killed Osama Bin Laden. And you people bought into it. They fed you horseshit and you just ate it up like camel cum to a starving Afghan. You gullible motherfuckers just took that shit at face value and never questioned it. You were all so quick to jump on the "We killed Osama" bandwagon to even notice the all-too coincidental timing of this so-called "killing." Barack Obama's approval ratings at that time were at an all-time low, and at near historic lows. Not to mention that it was just before campaign time, yet no one thought to question whether or not this was just a ploy to boost his own approval ratings and help win him the next election. Except for myself, of course, and the intelligent people that I associate with both on and off the Internet. Everyone else just accepted it. And why not? I mean, after all, this is America. Land of the sheep, home of the gullible. Charlie Chaplin once said that "Man as an individual is a genius. But men in the mass form the headless monster, a great, brutish idiot that goes where prodded;" And you've all gone where prodded.
Even if, and this is a big IF, we did in fact kill Osama Bin Laden, hooray for us. Congratulations, men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, for you have finally tracked down and killed a sickly man who was on the verge of dying anyway. Does this make you proud? Does it feel good to kill a guy who was already on his deathbed? Is this what the U.S. Military is teaching you people now? That if you wait out the "bad guys" long enough, you can eventually wear them down to the point of exhaustion, thus giving you the chance to finally catch up with them, kill them, and make yourselves look like heroes? I love how "highly trained" you shitheads are. You're fucking pathetic. It took you and the Government ten years, TEN fucking years, to find a guy who was gradually getting sicker...and sicker...and sicker. What's next? Are you going to raid the nearest nursing home and start killing off the elderly? Because let's be honest, that's pretty much all that you did with Osama...assuming that Osama was really killed.
And by the way, stop referring to the firemen, police and EMS workers who took part in the events that day as "heroes." They aren't heroes. They were employees, nothing more. I really hope that you people walk into a store to get coffee and when leaving, you say to the cashier, "Thanks a lot. I mean that. You're such a hero to this nation." I hope you say the same to the guy who pumps your gas, and to the postman, or your kids' teachers. Wait, you mean you don't? Why not? They're doing their jobs, which apparently is enough to make someone a fucking hero in this country. And that's all the first responders that day were doing. Their jobs. The jobs for which they are paid. Paid. That's the key word there. Real heroes don't get compensated for performing heroic deeds. By calling these people heroes, you do nothing but cheapen the word and therefore take away from what real heroes are. If you want to see a real hero, go find some single parents that are working two jobs, struggling to make ends meet (yet, are making the ends meet nonetheless), saving money so that their kids can have a college fund, and are still able to raise their kids properly. You want heroes? Those people are heroes. Teachers who don't just teach in class, but go above and beyond the classroom and spend unpaid hours upon unpaid hours outside of the classroom with their students to do everything in their power to help these kids advance in life and understand the subjects they are having difficulties with. Those teachers, they're heroes. I can give many more examples of what constitutes real heroism. The 9/11 first responders are not included. Fuck, even the first responders themselves and all of the Military personnel involved that day will tell you that they don't consider themselves heroes. Also, I come from a family of Military personnel and EMS/Medical professionals, and I can STILL say they aren't heroes. So fuck you.
"Never forget." What exactly is it that we're supposed to not be forgetting? I honestly can't even tell, because for 51 weeks out of the year you'd never know that this country was attacked by terrorists unless you either knew someone who died that day, or like me, you spend your time making fun of it. You people go about your daily lives like nothing ever happened, until the week of the anniversary rolls around, then suddenly, you all go right back to being "sad and sympathetic" towards the family and friends of those who were lost. Then after the week of "remembrance" is over with, you people go back to molesting your daughters, cheating on your husbands/wives, beating your kids, stealing from your jobs, lying on your IRS forms, raping each other, killing each other, etc. fucking etc. And acting like 9/11 never happened. Fucking frauds. It's almost like the media has to shove it down your fucking throats to make you people talk about it. I'm not saying you should sit around and dwell on it all the time, but God damn, if you're going to claim that you'll "never forget such a tragedy," then you might want to try talking about it more than once a fucking year. You miserable pieces of shit. You people disgust me.
I hope, with everything that I have, that somewhere in a cave right now, Osama Bin Laden is still alive, and I hope that he is reading this. I have a few words that I'd like to say to him...
Mr. Bin Laden, from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely thank you. Thank you for shoving this bully that we call America on the fucking ground and kicking the shit out of it. Thank you for your attempts to show America that we need to wake the hell up before it's too late (although, good sir, you have definitely failed at that.) Not only did you help to control the overpopulation problem that we have on this planet by doing what you did, but you have taken part in teaching these fucking morons one of the most important lessons they'll ever learn: America can be touched. America can be penetrated. America can easily be knocked off its pedestal. America is NOT the perfect nation we thought it was. It never has been, it still isn't today, and it never will be.
America...should take nothing for granted.
Kitty Crossbone
Stop saying that the people who died "gave their lives" that day. They didn't wake up anticipating the attacks. They didn't "give their lives," their lives were taken. Learn the fucking difference, you ass maggots. They didn't go to work with "Please Pick Me" signs on their fucking backs, did they? No? I thought not. They didn't give shit. You know who did give their lives, though? The terrorists. They're the only people who died that day that had actually planned to die and therefore they are the ones who gave their lives. The other people were just dumb as hell for not calling out sick.
And that's all that I have to say about that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more "Thank you" letters to write Al-Qaeda.
(Yes, I am aware that I did not mention every single military conflict that we've had. Why not? Because the mention of every one wasn't needed in order to make my point. So, shut the fuck up and deal with it.)
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